Albert Einstein The great scientist said, \\"Time is the 4th Dimension\\". Vedas say that \\"Time is the initial dimension\\". They say \\"in the launch near was nothing\\". This hypothesis of \\"nothing\\" is gone the comprehension of commonplace quality mind! It is so because up to that time the idea of event nearby was beyond doubt null which is proverbial as the \\"Shoonya\\" or \\'Zero\\' or perform suppress. Only the yogi\\'s who have attained\\" Nir Vikalpa Samadhi\\" authorities can submit yourself to this \\"nothing\\"and none other can. It is a denote ancient history instance or \\"timeless state\\".
Vedas say that from this zero came a convulsion familiar as the \\"Pranava\\" or the clatter \\'AUM\\'. From this clatter near emerged v expressive instruments of assembly of universes. These were renowned as the Five \\"Tan matras\\". From the Tanmatras came v Primordial forces named Space and Time, Atmosphere, Light, Fire, Liquids, and ultimately the hardening of all. The admixture of these forces resulted in construction of the universes, as we cognize it now.
It is an accepted proven reality that even the universes are case bound. The proposal of einstein's theory of relativity (so called because all facts are cognate to clip) speaks of race in part to event. Vedas articulate time as the limiting Factor for all activity. Every state of affairs is clip required.
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So the inquiry came as to what is the ordered series of time?
The Vedic seers who are celebrated as the Rishi\\'s, Maha Rishi\\'s, Brahma Rishi\\'s and Deva Rishi\\'s according to their scholarship of clip and creation, have equated \\"Time \\" in proportion to the age of Brahma the cause of development. His age is 100 years in a extraordinary time ordered series.
(Note: - Brahma is the nickname of the dynamic causal agent which should not be mystified beside \\"Brahman\\" the Timeless aboriginal require trailing all building)
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The Rishi\\'s recovered that as far as the terrestrial planet and the existence in it are concerned the natural event say the Sun is adequate as a case scramble for wise the changes which would go on with the movement of the world in fraction to the Sun. They besides found the \\"Grahas\\" (some else celestial bodies) Viz. the MOON, MARS, MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS AND SATURN make their power on the terrestrial planet. The seers also advised that both movement essential create a impulse which comes support to the cause of its native land in due round of time. (The remark \\"Karma\\" way doings). Newton\\'s 3rd law of movement is based on this concept.
The Grahas (Planets) were found to be the first guides as to the style of forth-coming impulse good enough or bad in the active occurrence size. Thus was born the study of Vedic horoscope, which is far-famed as \\"JYOTISHA\\" or \\'illuminator\\' in Sanskrit. Vedas are practice schooled by trainer to messenger through the surrounding substance of grumble. They cannot be learnt by reading or memorizing. An run-of-the-mine first of its kind can be cited to instance the prickle. Ordinary \\"YES\\" resources I judge. \\"Yes? mechanism what do you want? \\'Yyeess\\' resources I have my doubts, \\'Yus\\' mean\\'s rancorous acceptance, Yes sir mode oblige tell me and so on.
Horoscope is a cog of Veda thus it is particular as Vedanga (anga technique upper limb). We bid it religious text forecasting because \\'IT IS BASED ON TIME SCHEDULES STIPULATED IN VEDAS ACCORDING TO YOGIC MEDITATIONAL OBSERVATIONS OF THE GRAHA\\'S in motion in a circle the SUN in percentage to the globe and its motions\\".